Wednesday, October 31, 2018

New Video House Tour!

It surprised us to realize it has been nearly two years since our last video house tour. And we were even more surprised to realize how much our house has changed in that time!

In my head, we hadn’t really done much here in Richmond since we’ve been focused on the beach house and the duplex renovations, but when we re-watched those 2016 videos it felt like AGES ago – we hadn’t turned our son’s nursery into a big boy bedroom, our daughter’s room was mid-makeover, and Sherry had yet to go on her minimizing spree. There were also some pretty noticeable changes in our master bedroom and our living room, so it reminded us that we haven’t ignored this house as much as we thought we had!

The biggest change, maybe of our entire 5+ years of living here is definitely going on outside right now though…

We’ll share more info about painting our brick exterior once it’s complete in a giant detailed post with all the what, how, and how-much-it-costs details, but for the time being you can follow along on Instagram Stories or – better yet – turn your attention to the inside and take these tours around our ENTIRE first and second floors (we spared you a look into our third story which is just an unfinished attic).

Let’s start downstairs. Sherry and I relied on our go-to videotaping technique once again: I walked with the camera while Sherry narrated (we’re playing to our strengths here, folks). But I have to disclaim that the video was a little shakier than I realized, so I put a stabilizing filter on it afterward. It smoothed things out, but it caused it to look a tad glitchy in a couple of spots. But it still gives you a really accurate depiction of what it’s like to walk through our house – except our dining table is already full of junk for the duplex again (we recorded this a few weeks ago).

*If you can’t see the video above, you may have to click through to the post (they don’t always show up in a reader like Feedly/Bloglovin’) or you can watch it here on YouTube

The upstairs tour is a little longer because there are more rooms to see – and more rooms that are unfinished! And I should note that we shot this before Sherry’s closet video tour (hence the mirror not being hung in this one) and before we added the treadmill to the bonus room.

*If you can’t see the video above, you may have to click through to the post (they don’t always show up in a reader like Feedly/Bloglovin’) or you can watch it here on YouTube

For anyone who watched those videos and thought: “I wonder where they got that table/chair/lamp?” or “I wonder what that wall color is?” – we created this source page with all of that info for you. It has every room on each floor broken down for you.

And now that you’ve watched both of those you should totally take a time jump back to 2013 when we shared our FIRST video of this house when it was in its before state. And if nothing else, just click play to see our old brick of an iPhone at the beginning. Sheesh!

*One more time for the people in the back… if you can’t see the video above, you may have to click through to the post (they don’t always show up in a reader like Feedly/Bloglovin’) or you can watch it here on YouTube

We hope you enjoyed the tours! And we can’t wait to share more details about the exterior painting. I had to write this post because Sherry has had trouble forming words all week with all of the excitement around here, and is currently outside formatting a plan for how we’ll be replacing the portico that  WE TORE OFF OF OUR HOUSE. So yeah. It’s been a pretty exciting past few days.

P.S. Remember you can find all of our house’s paint colors and a full source list of where we got our furnisings/accessories/window shades/lights/etc here

The post New Video House Tour! appeared first on Young House Love.

New Video House Tour! published first on

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