Monday, March 20, 2017

Making POKAL glass hot-drink friendly with a crochet sleeve

pokal crochet sleeve for glass

I do love POKAL glasses but I was always struggling when using it with hot drinks. It’s much too hot to the touch.

I experimented around a bit, wrapping e. g. kleenex around it with a ribbon, but I wasn’t at all satisfied. So just recently I was so fed up that I came up with this solution. I have to say I only have the most basic of crochet knowledge and skill, but anyway.

I made a chain stitch (I hope that’s the correct term) just of the length of POKAL’s lower circumference. Then I closed the circle and went on from there, working my way up, around and around. My first try was the single-coloured one. Then I became braver and mixed colours. I guess I could have done everything more neatly, but still, I am satisfied.

As to how many stitches you have to gain per round I still have not found the final answer. With the pink/violet coloured one I gained two stitches per round, each after half a round to distribute them more equally. That worked out fine. With the green/orange/red one I ended up too loose at the top (I had gained three stitches per round), so that I added a nice little ‘belt’ of chain stitches, which I threaded through the upper end to tighten it.

Generally I’d say it’s better if the sleeve is a bit tight so that it stays in position just by itself.

The sleeves do what they should and you can wash them easily and use them over and over again. And you can have your visitors choose their favourite colour and design.

pokal crochet sleeve for glass

pokal crochet sleeve for glass

I recommend not to use too thick a thread, as then the sleeve of course becomes thick as well and tiny hands might have problems holding the glass.

pokal crochet sleeve for glass

Hope you like it!

~ by Steffi

The post Making POKAL glass hot-drink friendly with a crochet sleeve appeared first on IKEA Hackers.

Making POKAL glass hot-drink friendly with a crochet sleeve published first on

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