Sunday, March 5, 2017

#39: How To Make House Cleaning Suck A Little Less

Guess what? Even pro house cleaners hate cleaning. So we asked YouTube cleaning guru Melissa Maker to share her secrets for making your cleaning chores faster, more effective, and all-around less painful. Plus, Sherry dives headfirst into the (often mispronounced) Danish concept of “hygge” and how it can make for a happier and cozier home. We also take a look at the wacky backstory to one of our favorite household products and an even wackier date night that had us laughing with (and at) our neighbors.

You can download this episode from iTunesGoogle PlayStitcher, and TuneIn Radio – or listen to it below! Then use this page to check out any links, notes, or photos that we referenced. Note: If you’re reading in a feed reader, you might have to click through to the post to see the player.

What’s New

  • Here’s The Little Book of Hygge that captured Sherry’s heart
  • And, as promised, here are a couple of photos from our neighborhood Thrift Store Date Night. We’ve never looked better.

  • FYI, John bought the outfit for the gentleman in the pink tie (center) and Sherry purchased the sparkly purple number on the far right.

What’s Not

Melissa Maker, Clean My Space

  • You can see all that Melissa does on her website, Clean My Space, or on her YouTube Channel
  • She also has a new book out (also called Clean My Space) that’s a great reference for some of the products, tools, and techniques she mentioned.

We’re Digging

  • Lastly, in the pic above you can see Sherry’s favorite new shoes (33% off right now). Her favorite jeans were in the wash, which she’s sad about because she thinks the knees of the ones she’s wearing above are baggy?! Didn’t even know that was a thing.
  • And here are my shoes because I know that’s why you’re really here (Zappos is out of my color right now, but Nordstrom has ’em).

Psst- Looking for something we’ve dug in a past episode, but don’t remember which show notes to click into? Well, here’s a master list of everything we’ve been digging from all past episodes.

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The post #39: How To Make House Cleaning Suck A Little Less appeared first on Young House Love.

#39: How To Make House Cleaning Suck A Little Less published first on

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