Sunday, November 19, 2017

#73: The Secret Power Of Mistakes, Setbacks, And Almost Getting Sued

Young House Love turned 10 years old this fall (!!!) so we’re taking a look back at our last decade of renovating houses, building a business, and making plenty of mistakes along the way – all while on a public stage called the world wide web. You’ll hear how both in decorating and in business there were some pivotal moments that led us to where we are today – literally without them, we wouldn’t be here – and they didn’t all feel great at the time. In fact, some of them felt downright terrible. 

You can download this episode from Apple PodcastsGoogle PlayStitcher, and TuneIn Radio – or listen to it below! Then use this page to check out any links, notes, or photos we referenced. Note: If you’re reading in a feed reader, you might have to click through to the post to see the player. 

Presentation Slides

  • Below are some of the key slides from our presentation in Bristol, VA a couple of weeks ago. Be sure to listen to the episode to get full context for them (it’s basically ten years of our lives covered in a 30 minutes).

Here’s a look back at what our site looked like in the earlier days. Blog design (and our coding knowledge) has thankfully come a long way in 10 years.

Here was our money-making first month on Google AdSense. Still makes us laugh every time – but $10.59 is two free paint brushes so we’ll take it!

  • The slide below shows the magazine features we mentioned early on. You can read more about our Do It Yourself feature here and here. And go behind the scenes our of the DIY Magzine shoot and  The Nest shoot. Also, Burger = the real star.

  • Here are some peeks at our second house that we shared during the talk, but you can check out our House Tour page to see the whole thing.

Here are the photos of the beach house that we shared (the shot on the right was taken during demo, but the middle and left photos are exactly as it looked when we bought it).

And here’s that last slide with a shot of the duplex and a sneak peak at our next big project. Gotta listen to the podcast to get the scoop!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! And lastly, a big thank you to Modsy for sponsoring this episode. Visit to see how they took our crazy, angled bonus room and reimagined it as a restful master suite (it nearly made Sherry want to move our bed in there). And don’t forget to use the code YHL20 to get 20% off your first Modsy room and THIS WEEKEND ONLY (Friday, Nov 24 – Monday, Nov 27) you can get 50% off with the code YHL50!

Thanks for listening, guys!

*This post contains affiliate links*

The post #73: The Secret Power Of Mistakes, Setbacks, And Almost Getting Sued appeared first on Young House Love.

#73: The Secret Power Of Mistakes, Setbacks, And Almost Getting Sued published first on

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