Sunday, January 14, 2018

#80: How We Knew It Was Time To Move

Making the decision to move is one of those big life-changing choices, and we learned the hard way that doing it under the wrong circumstances might not work out as well as it could for you in the long run. So this week we’re sharing our own personal test for knowing when the time is right to move (hint: it has nothing to do with “when the market is hot”). Plus, we look at what’s trending for kitchens in 2018 and we share why we upgraded our TV. And lastly, if you’re wondering if we worry about people trashing the beach house or if you wanna know when you can come rent it, just tune in!

You can download this episode from Apple PodcastsGoogle PlayStitcherTuneIn Radio, and Spotify – or listen to it below! Then use this page to check out any links, notes, or photos we referenced. Note: If you’re reading in a feed reader, you might have to click through to the post to see the player. 

What’s New

  • We’re answering the frequent “Don’t you think this is too nice to rent? What if people ruin it?!” question and explaining why we’re not sweating the idea of opening our beach house up to the public (and sharing our targeted rental start date!). And it’s all within the first 11 minutes.

  • And if you’re curious about the types of not-too-precious items we’ve been filling our beach house with so far, you can see everything on the Shop Our Beach House page (which you can always access under our blog’s header on the home page).

What’s Not

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Listener Question

  • If you want to dive deeper into the topic of “when do you know it’s time to move?” we talked about how to figure out if a home is your “forever house” in Episode #47 (we also talk a bit more about how we realized our second house wasn’t a great long-term fit for us).

  • And in Episode #56 we talked about the big mistake we made by trying to sell our first house by owner.
  • You can also learn more about our moving and selling adventures in our “Moving & Selling” category.
  • Some of my favorite posts on that subject to look back on are our “House Hunting” posts, where we shared some of the properties we considered (which we blurred/flipped/photoshopped for their privacy) before landing on the ones we finally bought. So fun to imagine what could have been!

We’re Digging

If you’re looking for something we’ve dug in a past episode but don’t remember which show notes to click into, here’s a master list of everything we’ve been digging from all of our past episodes.

And lastly, a big thank you to Agility Bed for sponsoring this episode. You can get $150 off your order of any Agility Bed mattress by visiting and entering the code YHL150.

Thanks for listening, guys!

*This post contains affiliate links*

The post #80: How We Knew It Was Time To Move appeared first on Young House Love.

#80: How We Knew It Was Time To Move published first on

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