Sunday, May 28, 2017

#50: Behind The Scenes – Regrets, Bloopers, & Beyonce

We’re celebrating fifty episodes and one year of podcasting (!!!) with a special episode that takes you behind the scenes and unearths some of our weirdest moments, cringiest sound bites, and even an email we got from Beyonce’s dad (for real). We share the stuff that we love about podcasting (sometimes even more than blogging) along with what parts we loathe, and how a pizza got this whole thing off to a rocky start. Plus we introduce you to the crew of people who work on this show behind the scenes. Spoiler alert: they’re all weird.

You can download this episode from iTunesGoogle PlayStitcher, and TuneIn Radio – or listen to it below! Then use this page to check out any links, notes, or photos that we referenced. Note: If you’re reading in a feed reader, you might have to click through to the post to see the player. 


  • And speaking of surveys… if you’re a podcast listener, please PLEASE take a couple of minutes to fill out our listener survey. It will be a big help in getting a sense of who you guys are and what you like, so we can serve up more of that in year #2!

Podiversary Quiz

Podcasting Set-Up

  • We’ll put together a more thorough post about the technical side of our podcast, but you can peek at our super high-end, totally professional looking recording set-up in the picture above.
  • And real quick, here’s the microphone we use, the pop filters we bought (to soften any hard P sounds), and the program we use to edit (it’s free!).

Homeslice Logos

  • Before our first-choice podcast name was dead in the water, here are some of the logos we played around with. As you can see by their rough state, we didn’t get very far with them… but why didn’t we check iTunes before messing around with logos?!?!
  • Oh, and the Home Slice podcast isn’t on iTunes anymore, but all you pizza enthusiasts can still catch their 3 episode run on Soundcloud.

We’re Digging

Also, if you’re looking for something we’ve dug in a past episode, but don’t remember which show notes to click into, here’s a master list of everything we’ve been digging from all of our past episodes.

And lastly, a big thank you to DAP for sponsoring this episode. Hit to learn more about DAP Products or call 1-888-DAP-TIPS to get expert advice on your next project or product purchase (and if Jason answers, tell him we say “Hi!”).

Thanks for listening, guys!

*This post contains affiliate links

The post #50: Behind The Scenes – Regrets, Bloopers, & Beyonce appeared first on Young House Love.

#50: Behind The Scenes – Regrets, Bloopers, & Beyonce published first on

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