Thursday, November 10, 2016

IKEA Pingla Hack: Denim Storage boxes

I was fed up of picking up “Bits & Bobs” round the home with no idea where to put them. That’s when I decided to make some cute storage boxes for them by upcycling denim. I decided to use the Ikea Pingla storage boxes as they were cheap, came in a two pack and I wanted 2 identical boxes. Also the Ikea Pingla boxes were just the right size not too deep and designed for storage.

Ikea Hackers pingla

I covered the boxes in denim and lined them. I then stenciled “Bits” on one side and “Bobs” on the other so I knew what exactly would be stored in them.

What You Need for this Ikea Pingla Hack

  • 1 pack of Ikea Pingla Boxes (the short ones)
  • A pair of adult jeans
  • Fabric for lining
  • Spray adhesive
  • Letter Stencils
  • White acrylic paint

How to Cover the Boxes

Measure the circumference and height of the box. Cut your jeans legs to these measurements allowing for an overlap. I made sure I cut along the seam of the jeans so I could use this as my bottom edge. (If not long enough you may need to sew 2 pieces together).


Cut the waistband off the jeans and cut two 6 inch long pieces for handles.
Wrap you denim leg round the box and mark the handle positions. Attach the handles either with eyelets or sewing.
Now spray the outside of the box with the adhesive and wrap you jeans leg round. You can hold it in place with bulldog clips or clothes pegs as it dries.

Ikea hackers Denim DIY storage box lining 2

You may want to line your box with a pretty fabric. Again this is done with spray adhesive. (More details on the blog).

For the final part using letter stencils and white acrylic, stencil “BITS” on one side of your box and “BOBS” on the other.

Ikea hackers Denim diy storage box stenciling 2

There are more detailed instructions here.

Not only are my denim storage boxes really handy but they look good and make me smile. You can of course stencil what you like on your boxes, you may want to stencil “STUFF” or “THINGS”. Whatever you do with them they will be useful when trying to clear some of the everyday clutter that you don’t know where to home.

Ikea Hackers Denim diy storage box Ikea Pingla Hack ft Ikea Hackers Denim diy storage box Ikea Pingla Hack 6

~ by Claire Amrstrong

The post IKEA Pingla Hack: Denim Storage boxes appeared first on IKEA Hackers.

IKEA Pingla Hack: Denim Storage boxes published first on

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