Wednesday, October 26, 2016

When to Replace Your Overhead Garage Door

When to Replace Your Overhead Garage Door was first published to: HME GARAGE DOOR REPAIR Service Blog

Taking your overhead garage door for granted is quite easy. However, they are extremely useful and valuable parts of any house. When it comes to the installation of an overhead door Plano contractors have everything necessary. In addition to enhancing your safety, Plano overhead garage door replacements not only increase the value of properties but also provide curb appeal and utility.

As such, knowing when to replace your overhead garage door is important. Look out for the signs of a failing garage door and considerations listed below to find out when the time to invest in a replacement comes. Properly timed replacements allow you to maintain every benefit afforded by a functional garage door effectively.

overhead garage door
Overhead Door Excessive noise

Grinding, whirring, rattling, or clicking sounds when you open or shut your garage door are signs that something serious is not right. Taking a moment to listen to your garage door every time you pull into the garage is, therefore, important. Such noises usually signal potentially dangerous structural situations or failing parts.

Calling in a professional garage door repair service provider is recommended, particularly if you happen to notice any unusual sound.

A lack of balance

Over time, garage door springs can show some signs of wear and tear, which can compromise the integrity of your overhead door. If you notice that your door is harder to operate, You should inspect and replace the springs if necessary.

If the springs are made of different metals, they can expand or contract at varying rates, and one spring will ultimately wear out faster than the other. Eventually, the door will begin to rattle and become harder to shut or open.

broken garage door springSprings are instrumental when it comes to holding the door firmly, and if they develop some flaws, they can buckle under the weight of the garage door. Remember to either inspect the springs regularly or engage the services of overhead garage door Plano contractors to effectively protect your entire household from the hazards that are likely to occur.

Visible damage

In the worst case scenario, your garage door can crack, develop some holes, or the surface might not be properly sealed, all of which can compromise the unit’s integrity. What may look like a simple cosmetic damage might actually be a sign of extensive rot, an issue that often leads to the complete failure of the garage doors.

Wasted Energy

All of the problems mentioned above often result in higher utility bills. As such, you should engage overhead garage door Plano service providers to check your door if you find yourself paying more for electricity without any change in usage. Your overhead door might have cracks or gaps that let heat out, it may not be closing all the way, or the weather stripping at the bottom might have worn out.

A higher energy bill can also be a sign that the door’s insulation is failing, which would make it much harder for your heating system to maintain comfortable temperatures.

higher energy bill because of garage door

When you need to improve safety and efficiency

According to professional and reputable overhead door Plano contractors, in addition to enhancing the safety of your house, the installation of a contemporary garage door offers great insulation, retaining the heat inside while keeping the cold out.

While some modern overhead garage door units have a built-in safety feature that reduces the risk of getting your fingers caught as the door is closing or opening, bottom seals, sealing joints, and weather strips help to keep the wind out. Apart from improving efficiency, these additional features boost your safety, both excellent reasons to replace your overhead garage door.

You have a new function for your garage

You may have to consider changing the overhead door if you want to convert your garage into another living space. If you are renovating your home in Plano overhead garage door options come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Stylish styles featuring tinted glass windows and anodized aluminum frames are only but a few of the features included in modern garage door designs.

As such, it is easy to find something that will fit in well with your remodeling plans.

Stylish styles garage doorWhen you want to increase curb appeal

Installing a new feature-rich overhead garage door beautifies your house and increases its worth. There are many modern garage door designs to complement varying architectural styles effectively. Reaching out to professional garage door service providers is the best way to ensure you choose the most suitable door for your garage in terms of functionality and curb appeal.

You can always rely on us for high-quality and professional services if you need garage door replacement or repair services to address the issues mentioned above. Our services include the installation of brand new, top-of-the-range overhead garage doors made from high-quality materials in modern designs. Call us for a free quote or to learn more about the available options.

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